Our Sustainability Commitment
At Lexit Group, we strive to simplify processes within the food industry, transportation, logistics, distribution, stores, and retail, all without compromising the well-being of future generations. We firmly believe that by acting sustainably today, we can build a better future for all. Together, as individuals, employees, and business partners, we share the responsibility of making our world more sustainable.
We are convinced that sustainability commitment should be integrated into the core operations of the entire group. Therefore, within Lexit Group, we are extensively working on formulating a sustainability strategy with clear goals and activities that enable us to adhere to them.
Below, the areas we are currently focusing on are outlined.
Reduced Environmental Impact
One of our primary aims is to bring our own operational environmental impact and direct emissions down to net zero, aligning with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement. Our long-term goal is also to significantly reduce our indirect emissions, those occurring in our upstream and downstream activities within our value chain. Achieving this requires the formulation of clear goals, both short-term and long-term, and the design of activities that enable us to meet these objectives.
Environmental Policy
An initiative steering us towards climate neutrality and environmental protection is our environmental policy. Through this policy, we ensure that people and the environment are always at the forefront of our daily operations. Our most substantial environmental impact arises from travel and transportation conducted when visiting clients and handling deliveries. To become a climate-neutral operation, we commit to:
- Conserve raw materials, water, and energy, prioritizing more environmentally friendly alternatives, such as renewable sources.
- Properly manage our operational waste.
- Monitor and assess the environmental awareness of our suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors.
- Assist our customers in their environmental efforts.
- Foster awareness among our employees.
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
- Continuously improve our environmental performance and prevent pollution in water and air.
Corporate Responsibility, Diversity, and Inclusion
We view diversity as a valuable resource and a source of innovation. Regardless of gender, age, ethnic background, or life experience, we welcome all perspectives. We believe that by embracing differences, we can create a dynamic and creative work environment where each individual can thrive.
Lexit Group also strives to create a discrimination-free work environment. We adhere to strict guidelines to ensure that every individual is treated fairly and respectfully. Our policy covers all areas of employment, from recruitment and promotion to working conditions and opportunities for development.
We are convinced that a secure and supportive work environment is the key to every successful company. Therefore, we invest in creating an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and encouraged to contribute to the company’s success. We aim to be a workplace where each employee can grow and develop, both professionally and personally.
Sustainable Corporate Governance
Ensuring business ethics and preventing corruption are core principles for fostering trust and sustainable business relationships. We are dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards and have implemented various measures to prevent corrupt practices throughout our operations. This commitment extends to our suppliers and distributors, who are expected to uphold similar ethical principles.
Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the sustainability domain is paramount. This ensures that we not only follow best practices but also meet legal requirements. Our positions, policies, and expectations are consolidated in our Code of Conduct, providing a comprehensive guide for collaborators and employees.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedback regarding the content of our Code of Conduct, our policies and procedures, and how we live up to your expectations. Contact information is available in the Code of Conduct.